About Us 

Thanks for checking this site out! 

I lived my whole life in New England – traveled all over the country on business and never really saw anything. 

When I retired, I purchased an older RV and hit the road with my elderly Basset Hound Max.

We have been traveling and meeting people (and other hounds) since the spring of 2017.  This journal is mostly photographs since that is the language I speak.

Then I met Kate in South Dakota and both of our lives changed.  Unfortunately we have lost both of our canine friends – but we have added Daphne – a wonderful, precocious Basset puppy.  And then we added Gracie – and there were four of us. We are now traveling around the country having the best time of our lives.

I hope you enjoy reading our stories and learning from our mistakes.  I value any comments you wish to make. Subscribe to the blog and never miss an entry!
