• Renovations

    Painting The Basement

    The lower storage areas of a class A motor home are called the basement. It provides storage for anything that needs outside access, or won’t fit inside. It also provides access for emptying the waste tanks. We have craft supplies, tools, and extra kitchen items in ours. Our motor home…

  • Places - Renovations

    Let it Rain!

    When I bought this camper I knew almost nothing – all right nothing – about evaluating the quality and needs of an RV. I walked around it, I looked at the appliances – good lord I didn’t even drive it! Needless to say I have been busy over the years…

  • Renovations

    Kitchen redux

    Well I was at it again. Kate was willing to use the kitchen as it was but she really likes to cook and the kitchen had some deficiencies. The refrigerator and freezer were pretty small, the oven barely existed – most people used it for storage, and there wasn’t room…