• Parks - Places

    Spring Flood

    We spent the winter in Quartzsite this last winter, planning to return to Woodson Bridge in late March for the summer. In the last week of February we received a text from the Ranger there asking when we could return as camp hosts to Woodson as they were having vandalism…

  • Parks - Places

    Beach Antics

    We have settled in to our camp hosting job here at Sunset Beach State Park. Now we are looking for things to do! One of the first things was to go hale watching. The boat we took was out out of Santa Cruz – 30 minutes north of us. The…

  • Camping Hints - Parks

    Camp Hosting

    This winter the price of gasoline caught up with us and we decided to limit our travel. We had talked about camp hosting and I did some investigating. We signed up on Volunteer.gov, and several state camp hosting pages. For the uninitiated camp hosting is trading volunteer work for a…

  • Camping Hints - Parks

    Quartzsite Housing

    We have been in Quartzsite, Arizona since the middle of October. Quartzsite is a desert community of about three thousand full-time residents. In the winter it balloons to over two hundred thousand as RVs swarm in to stay in the desert. Services are minimal and dust is everywhere. We have…

  • Parks - Places

    Arches National Park

    We spent a week on MOAB, Utah – close to both Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park. It is an extraordinary area. Millions of years ago it was ocean and eroded the land in such beautiful ways. Nothing more to say about it other than enjoy the photos.

  • Parks - Places

    Watching Our Food

    Kate and I are staying at an RV park just outside of Yuma, Arizona. All around us are fields being cultivated. It has been fascinating to watch the different activities. Last week we went across the street to watch lettuce being picked. It was quite amazing! Lettuce field ready for…

  • Family - Parks - Places

    That’s some wood you have there!

    We had such a great rime in California. One of the highlights was definitely seeing my daughter Elizabeth. She lives in northern California and it was great to spend time with her. We visited two different great tree areas – Muir Woods and Sequoia National Park. They were amazing! It…

  • Parks

    Bubble Bubble Toil & Trouble

    Yesterday was cloudy and we were a little stir crazy so the three of us piled in the car and went to see the volcano. Lassen National Park is a wonderful volcano located between Red Bluff and Mt. Shasta in California. It was in the mid 70’s at the campground…

  • Parks

    Custer State Park

    I’ve been in the Black Hills area all summer and have done lots of things but haven’t posted them. I have very mixed feelings about this area. This whole region really belongs to the Native Americans. They consider the Black Hills to be sacred. Early on Congress signed a treaty…