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    Beauty & the Beast

    We’ve had quite a months adventure in the last few days! We left the Arizona State Trust Land because they were forecasting 100+ degrees. The drive to Winslow was uneventful and we stayed at the state park there. Very nice and we met a couple of very nice folks who…

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    Bouncing around Arizona

    Like most people in the country, our plans have yielded to the C-virus. While neither of us has been sick with it – although we think Kate might have had a mild version of it in January – we are staying at our RV and not doing much. Our black…

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    Montezuma’s Castle & Sedona

    We moved from Arizona Conservation land to an RV park in Camp Verde because the expected rain would have flooded us and mired us in mud. It put us a little further north so we could do some sightseeing in that direction. We decided to see Montezuma’s Castle and the…