• Family - Places

    Stinson Beach

    Elizabeth know such great places to visit. She guided us to Stinson Beach, across the bay from SF and facing the Pacific just in time for sunset. The weather was perfect – the waves just right. It was an incoming tide and we wanted to be as close to the…

  • Places


    The San Fransisco treat and what a treat it was. We were so lucky. We met some new friends in Arizona – Margie and Gary. They live just outside of San Fransisco and invited us to stay in the driveway for a couple of weeks. They also showed us around…

  • Family - Places

    Lock em up!

    Alcatraz has been on my list for several decades. I end up in the area for a few days and there is a two week waiting list for tickets. Absolutely worth it! The day we (Kate, Elizabeth, and I) went was a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky…

  • Family - Parks - Places

    That’s some wood you have there!

    We had such a great rime in California. One of the highlights was definitely seeing my daughter Elizabeth. She lives in northern California and it was great to spend time with her. We visited two different great tree areas – Muir Woods and Sequoia National Park. They were amazing! It…