

The San Fransisco treat and what a treat it was. We were so lucky. We met some new friends in Arizona – Margie and Gary. They live just outside of San Fransisco and invited us to stay in the driveway for a couple of weeks. They also showed us around and then turned us loose to see everything – or everything we could in two weeks. Definitely going to return to see more.

We saw the Golden Gate Bridge on this wonderfully clear day – a day after it was so fogged in that we couldn’t see the towers as we drove by them. BTW – the fog is name Karl. It’s from the 2003 movie Big Fish. It’s a very interesting fog and quite different from fog in the northeast. It looks like a large, long snake coming in the bay. In the northeast it is all over and not well defined.

This is Karl

We visited the Haight-Ashbury area. What a fun area! The photo below is the Goodwill store in the area. Ben and Jerry’s right behind the famous sign.

Above is a section of the Bay Bridge

The next two photos are the under the Oakland Bay Bridge on Treasure Island.

View from Telegraph Hill.

And Finally – Elizabeth took us to Fisherman’s Wharf. Turn your volume up!

So much more to see on our next trip!

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