• Family - Places

    Visiting Those We Love

    One of the wonderful benefits of being a full time traveler is the ability to see the people we care about who we wouldn’t normally get to see. I have had the chance to visit cousins in Nashville, my daughter in Chico, California, a dear friend in Pennsylvania. Kate has…

  • Parks - Places

    Arches National Park

    We spent a week on MOAB, Utah – close to both Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park. It is an extraordinary area. Millions of years ago it was ocean and eroded the land in such beautiful ways. Nothing more to say about it other than enjoy the photos.

  • Family

    And We’re off

    We left South Dakota on October 1st and started our way south. One of our last activities in Spearfish was a drive up the canyon with Kate’s mom to see the colors. Lovely trip and we even saw a couple of the mountain goats. Spearfish Canyon – the colors were…