
And We’re off

We left South Dakota on October 1st and started our way south. One of our last activities in Spearfish was a drive up the canyon with Kate’s mom to see the colors. Lovely trip and we even saw a couple of the mountain goats.

Spearfish Canyon – the colors were wonderful

We saw a couple of the mountain goats.

If you look carefully you can see Spearfish Falls

We drove down through Wyoming and were stopped for quite a while at a construction site. The cattle didn’t care and they didn’t seem to appreciate the beautiful colors.

We drove through a wonderful gap in the Rockies in Colorado. No photos but it was really nice. It was following the river bottom. Lots of wildlife and remote farms. Unfortunately we had a little problem. We are driving along and here a really loud BANG – like a gun going off in the camper.

Pull to the side of the road and check and sure enough a blown tire. Fortunately we purchased a 10 ton jack this summer so Dave got out all the tools and managed to get the tired changed. We both feel a little more self reliant.

We are here in MOAB Utah this evening getting ready to see Arches National Park & Canyonlands National Park along with several other sites. Stay tuned!

Daphne and Gracie are getting along very well

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