• Family - Places

    More Maine

    We stayed in Sidney Maine – about halfway between Augusta and Waterville. Kate had in her mind that we were about halfway into the state – especially since I had been talking about going all the way north. At a breakfast place they had a large map of the state…

  • Family

    Let’s visit Maine

    Kate has never been to the northeast so this has been quite a trip for her. We have spent most of the time seeing the coastal areas – Portland, Cundys Harbor, Camden, Rockland, Belfast, Round Pond among them. Lot’s of rocks and seaweed and water. It’s been interesting for me…

  • Family - Places

    The Great state of Mass A Choo Setts

    That’s a M*A*S*H reference to anyone curious. We have had exceptional weather so far. This time of year can be so iffy that we feel very lucky. The most important – and the most fun part of being in Massachusetts has been visiting with relatives. Chuck and Ellen and their…