We stayed in Sidney Maine – about halfway between Augusta and Waterville. Kate had in her mind that we were about halfway into the state – especially since I had been talking about going all the way north. At a breakfast place they had a large map of the state with a pin on Augusta. I pointed it out and how it was only about 15% of the way up the state and Kate was amazed. I sometimes forget just how large the state is since I spent most of my time in the southern 100 miles.
A friend let us stay next to his garage and it was a great place. Level site, lots of sun. Daphne had quite a run and watched over us making sure that squirrels and chipmunks were kept at bay.

Kate sitting on our steps watching Daphne

Our home in Sidney Maine
Camden was a nice visit. The harbor was full of tall ships and lobster boats and even a restored 100 foot steam boat.

Harbormaster’s hut