Family - Places

The Great state of Mass A Choo Setts

That’s a M*A*S*H reference to anyone curious. We have had exceptional weather so far. This time of year can be so iffy that we feel very lucky. The most important – and the most fun part of being in Massachusetts has been visiting with relatives. Chuck and Ellen and their almost grown kids WIll and Ena.

Chuck and Ellen and us at a lighthouse in Falmouth

At their house. That’s Ena with all the beautiful hair.

We parked in their driveway for a few days. Quite a downward dog to the camper but it was still fun and everything worked.

Nobska Lighthouse in Falmouth, Massachusetts

George Washington in Boston Garden. Why not Paul?

Make Way For Ducklings! All dressed up.

Swan boats ready for the summer.

The pond is absolutely beautiful

Two diligent moms – in the park

This was Kate’s first time in Boston and we weren’t going to be there long. We took the train into South Station and then walked around. Quincy Market was nice but felt empty. I talked with one of the vendors who said that it had just opened up again 10 days ago and she hoped the crowds were on the horizon.

Bubble dining – no virus eating

We went by Paul Revere’s house but it was still closed. Then on to Ye Old Union Oyster House, one of my Dad’s favorite places in Boston.

Oldest tavern in Boston

One of the oldest streets in Boston

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