
Beauty & the Beast

We’ve had quite a months adventure in the last few days! We left the Arizona State Trust Land because they were forecasting 100+ degrees. The drive to Winslow was uneventful and we stayed at the state park there. Very nice and we met a couple of very nice folks who we hope to see again. We did the necessary photo on the corner – it is about all there is to do in Winslow Arizona.

We got a few recommendations for places to stay from others at the campground. The one that interested me was Vermilion Cliffs, Utah. We put the entry into Google and away we went. VERY windy on the drive north, I almost stopped. We did stop to get gas – $1.59 per gallon! Easy on the budget. We turned off the main road onto a dirt road and there was the welcome sign to the National Monument and another that said camping only in developed sites. No problem. The mountains were unimaginatively beautiful. The desert was extraordinary. The road turned to shit! When it wasn’t rippled and jarring us, it was old muddy tracks – some 4 or 5 in the road, 12″ deep. We thought, “just a few more miles and we’ll be at the “developed sites.” More miles. Finally 25 miles in and 2 1/2 hours later we get to the campsite. The first sign I see says limited to 21′!!!

We continued on but it was getting late. Kate said, “At least it is daylight.” I murmured, “So far…”

We spent the night in a clearing and moved on in the morning. As we left the canyon, we saw this. Absolutely stunning.

We have stopped for a while – a few days anyway – just outside of Zion National Park, in a BLM boondocking area. While we were setting up Max enjoyed some outside time on his bed. I checked on him later and he was gone. We looked and looked and called him and nothing. Apparently as we left to look for him he came back in the house, with a trophy. Here he is n the bed, with his trophy on the floor – a calf leg! Yes, a real leg from a dead calf. What a trip it is!

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