
The great equalizer – POO

It doesn’t matter whether you have built your camper from scratch on a nothing budget, or you just purchased a brand new Tiffin RV. The one thing that makes us all equal is that we must deal with our poo.

Granted, some campers have fancier methods for getting the poo to exit the camper – lots of switches and valves and such, but we are still standing outside the camper, next to a hole in the ground, with a hose connecting our home to the hole.

There are so many products for helping the solids to become less solid, and making the bathroom a more odoriferously pleasant place to be. I have tried lots and lots of them. I have settled on Happy Camper. It is organic. It doesn’t have any perfume smell. It seems to digest all of the solids, including the toilet paper – not just RV TP.

I have also used it in the gray water tank occasionally just to take care of any fat and solids that might accumulate.

It is a little more expensive than others, but for the two of us it costs about one dollar a week. I bought it at Quartzsite one year and I have also seen it at some Walmarts, although not recently.

Max isn’t sure what all the fuss is about – but he says if it makes us happy campers to not smell right – go right ahead!

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