
Fortuna Pond

This is BLM (Bureau of Land Mgmt) land around a small pond just 3 miles from Yuma. There are approximately 35 places to park around the pond. What a blissful place. They stock the pond and their are birds chirping and mountains around. Most people park about ten feet from the water!

The limit for staying is supposed to be two weeks. Just before Christmas (we had been here two weeks already) the ranger stopped and asked if we needed a permit. He gave us a permit for another two weeks! The folks that we met were great. It became its own community.

Peggy and Bob were full timing with their dog Larry. They love the area and are talking about moving to the Yuma area. Rich and Ranee were next to us. They summer in Michigan and winter in the south. They have a retro camper that has all the original birch cabinets.

For Christmas we had a pot luck lunch at our place. About ten folks came and we laughed and listened to Christmas tunes and had a nice time.

We also met a contingent of folks from Canada – Celine, Helen , Rock, Mary, and a few others. They had a fire every evening and invited lots of people. Very fun to talk to them about cultures and languages and everything. We hope to connect with several of them when we travel across Canada in the fall. Celine also has a blog that is lots of fun. C

elines blog

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