

In the past I have worked to connect with someone in a community that I am going to visit. In this way I get a local view, I get someone to show me around, and I get to share the visit with someone.

Kate and I had been talking online for a couple of months before I arrived in the Black Hills of South Dakota. She had lived in the area her whole life and was looking forward to my visit. She told me later she wasn’t convinced that I would actually show up.

Well, I did, and both of our lives have changed for the best! We had a connection from the very beginning that has been amazing. She is smart, witty, sexy, and she actually likes me!

After less than a week, I asked if she would enjoy traveling with me – to see what it was like. I know – a little impulsive and not at all like me… She thought about it and said yes – but I want to wait a couple of weeks before I tell my mom so she won’t think I am jumping in too fast. hahahahaha

We feel joy every day for each other and have started on a journey that we both hope and expect will not end.

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