Day trip to Mexican border town.
We were chatting with some new friends and they had not been to the border town before so we made a date to go and be tourists. We had been several times for very successful dental work but this was just to look around.
The tourist area is about 4 blocks by 5 blocks just as you go over the border. 350 dentists located in that area along with tons of eyeglass stores and liquor stores. The sidewalks are lined with booths – people selling t-shirts, leather goods, jewelry, and other items. It is hard to walk with them trying to stop us to buy something.

The further away from the center of the tourist area we got though the better things looked. On the main streets the houses were well decorated and lovely. On the side streets the houses were in much tougher shape, but they still did pretty well.

So many of these little patio spaces – I loved them

And then there is the fence. It is ugly, tall, imposing, militaristic. It was built on the quick, replacing a fence that wasn’t as tall but was still good. The old fence had plantings and vines and was there – but not as ugly and imposing.

Below are other photos of the area – some of it very enchanting and lovely. Next year we will probably spend a night here so that we can see it after the border closes.