
Custer County Fair

Nothing beats a real family fair! Kate’s daughter and her kids are all horse riders so they are very active in the fair. The first night was a ranch rodeo. Lots of good fun and beer. Followed by a live band!

This girl popped up all over the place.

I’m not sure who was happier – Son or Dad

After the rodeo came the dance. Boys looking for a different kind of action and dressed up girls looking for a commitment!

The next day had all sorts of competitions – goats and sheep and cow sorting.

A brave rabbit crossing the corral.

Same girl who was petting the horse above.

Kate’s daughter, Carianna warming up for the sorting competition.

Daphne had a wonderful time at the fair! So many smells and sounds and small kids to pay attentions to.

The goats weren’t so much fun though – she thinks the goats were unnecessary.

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